In 2021, Vasl Artists’ Association launched its first chapter of Museum of Abandoned Spaces (MOAS), a year-long ongoing museum-based pop up exhibitions, hosting happenings, acts, exhibitions, film screenings and/or performance for a brief duration in empty, disused, uninhibited and deserted places. These spaces were to function unlike museums that are known as places of establishment which cater in not only obtaining and conserving, but also showcasing tangible and intangible possessions that have historical, cultural, religious, artistic interest or value.
MOAS was open to all creative fields. The purpose of this project was to solely breakaway from conventional forms of art in the city and to generate dialogue around what constitutes art, its longevity and who has claim over it.
with Maryam Saleemat Mauripur roadin collaboration with HumTV & Open Society Foundations
Dreams on Sale
with Arsalan Nasirat Shafquat House, Saddarin collaboration with HumTV & Open Society Foundations
In the loving memory of...
with Haider Ali Naqvi & Razin Rubinat The East Endin collaboration with Hum TV, Open Society Foundations & The East End