In Light of the Other

Bilji, Pani aur Gas, Taaza Tareen 10

in collaboration with Faraar Gallery, T2F

Arsalan Isa (writer in residence) in conversation with

Maryam Arslan, Mujtaba Asif, Rahman Zada & Sabeen Ahsan

March 26, 2018

‘In Light of the Other’, was a collaborated talk between Vasl’s past writerin residence, Arsalan Isa and the Taaza Tareen 10 artists: MaryamArslan, Mujtaba Asif, Rahman Zada and Sabeen Ahsan. It had takenplace at the Faraar Gallery, The Second Floor (T2F). Since 2005, TaazaTareen Residencies have supported recent graduates from Pakistani artinstitutes at formative stages of their professions. For the 2018 cycle,the artists and Isa had been working around the theme, ‘Bijli, Pani aurGas’ examining how critical resources shape geographical conflicts anddetermine the daily struggle for existence.